The Los Angeles Poverty Department (LAPD) presents the 7th annual Festival for All Skid Row Artists on Saturday and Sunday, October 22 and 23, from 1–5pm each day. The Festival for All Skid Row Artists is a two-day festival of performing and visual art with plenty of music, showcasing the diverse range of talents among Skid Row residents. Taking place in Gladys Park (corner of 6th Street and Gladys Avenue) in L.A.’s Skid Row, the festival has become one of the most anticipated grassroots cultural events in the area. At last year’s festival over 100 Skid Row Artists performed or displayed their artwork to enthusiastic audiences. Many will be back and are preparing their acts and works of art and a select number of artists from outside Skid Row will perform and lead workshops again as well.
Festival attendees are invited to participate in the workshops and creativity stations facilitated by the artists. There will be creative stations for writing and painting, a Paper Mache bowl making workshop, guided meditation and sitting yoga workshops. Poet Jen Hofer will write letters and poems on demand and visual artist Clayton Campbell will invite the people to participate in his exhibit ‘Words we learned after 9/11’ which is currently on view at the Skid Row History Museum & Archive on 440 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90013. LAPD’s Festival for All Skid Row Artists gives audiences a chance to hear what you usually don’t hear about Skid Row: that it is a community rich with talent!
Performers, Poets, Musicians, Visual Artists – sign up now to participate with: Austin Hines: / 213-361-4644
Volunteers are needed!
For more information please write to Henriëtte Brouwers:
Los Angeles Poverty Department celebrates and preserves the rich artistic heritage of Skid Row and since 2009 has kept a registry of Skid Row artists, which now numbers more than 500. LAPD is a theater company comprised primarily of low income and homeless people living in Los Angeles’ Skid Row. Founded in 1985, LAPD creates performances and multidisciplinary artworks that connect the experience of people living in poverty to the social forces that shape their lives and communities. LAPD’s works express the realities, hopes, dreams and rights of people who live and work in L.A.’s Skid Row.
Festival for All Skid Row Artists is produced by Los Angeles Poverty Department with partners United Coalition East Prevention Project (UCEPP) and Lamp Community’s Arts Program. This year’s festival is made possible with the support of the Department of Cultural Affairs of the City Los Angeles, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Los Angeles County Arts Commission, The California Arts Council’s Local Impact grant, the National Endowment for the Arts, The Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council and the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks.

Festival For All Skid Row Artists, 2015 – Garry Brown performing in the shirt he designed, picture by Austin Hines.