The inaugural Roddenberry Fellowship will support 20 activists, organizers, leaders, and changemakers who are working to make the U.S. a fairer and more equitable place to live.
Starting in July, the Roddenberry Foundation will select 20 fellows from across the country who will each receive a $50,000 award, as well as tailored support, to implement a project or
initiative that has direct impact in one of four major arenas.
- Immigration and Refugee Rights
- Civil Rights
- LGBTQIA and Women’s Rights
- Climate Change and Environmental Justice
Please see the Official Rules at www.roddenberryfellowship.org for eligibility, criteria and more.
Applications are due August 22, 2017.
Launched in 2010, The Roddenberry Foundation is committed to finding and supporting remarkable people and organizations that can disrupt existing dynamics, challenge old patterns of thought, and
discover new ways to help us move towards a better future.
They provide grants to accelerate the development of great, untested ideas and invest in models that are challenging the status quo and improving the human condition. Together, interconnected
initiatives offer opportunities for original thinkers and innovators from all walks to life to pursue significant, lasting change.