Guadalupe Granero Realini
University of Buenos Aires
Guadalupe Granero Realini (Architect. MSc Urban and Regional Planning. PhD student Urban Philosophy. University of Buenos Aires) works on territorial justice, researching and thinking about the multiple oppressions the planetary urbanization is producing on and through territories. She focuses on contemporary extractivist processes in Latin America, which dispossess from urban to peasant and Indigenous communities, across cities, as well as natural environments.
She carried out research at Ryerson University and Université de Montreal as an ELAP awarded scholar. In 2017, she published Territorios de la Desigualdad. Política Urbana y Justicia Espacial.
Whenever possible, she teaches and collaborates with grassroots movements and alternative media. She served as Director of Training and Technical Assistance in Land Policies in the Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat of Argentina and worked as a technical adviser to national and international organizations on urban and housing issues.