Sa Whitley

Arizona State University


Sa Whitley is a Presidential Postdoctoral Scholar and poet in the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University. They received a Ph.D. in Gender Studies and an M.A. in African American Studies from UCLA. Whitley’s black feminist research projects center black queer and transgender women’s urban spatial imaginaries, city making, and housingjustice efforts in the neoliberal era. The book manuscript is entitled The Collective Come-Up: Black Queer Placemaking in Subprime Baltimore. As an emerging poet, they are a Cave Canem Fellow and a Poetry & the Senses Fellow with the Arts Research Center (ARC) at UC Berkeley and the ASU Center for Imagination in the Borderlands (2023-24). Their recent writing is published or forthcoming in POETRY Magazine, TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, Palette Poetry, and Indiana Review. They have received literary and academic fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference (2022), the Community of Writers, and the Center for the Study of Women. Whitley has also held previous academic appointments at the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women at Brown University and the Society of Fellows at Dartmouth College.