At the Limits of Urban Theory: Racial Banishment in the Contemporary City

Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, London School of Economics and Political Science Houghton St, London WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom

In cities around the world, especially in the United States, processes of socio-spatial restructuring continue to unfold. Often understood as neoliberal urbanism and often identified through concepts such as gentrification, these processes entail the displacement of subaltern classes to the far edges of urban life. In this talk, Ananya Roy argues that it is necessary to analyse such transformations through a theorisation of racial capitalism.


Plans for Freedom: Sanctuary, Abolition, and Reconstruction in the Age of Trumpism

William Barton Rogers Building, MIT 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Massachusetts

The Trump presidency has brought to sharp light the enduring racial inequalities through which liberal democracy is constituted and lived.  In this talk, Ananya Roy examines imaginations and practices of resistance, from sanctuary cities to professional refusal, against regimes of white nationalism.


Protecting Renters: Discussions of Rent Control, Stabilization, and Evictions

UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, Room 2343 337 Charles E. Young Drive East, Los Angeles, CA, United States

California's housing crisis is hitting renters hard. What's the appetite for reforming these laws? How are they currently affecting residents in Los Angeles? What can be done to put renters in Los Angeles on a more stable foundation?


The Intersection: Woke Black Folk

Barbara Morrison Performing Arts Center 4305 Degnan Boulevard #101, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Intersection: Woke Black Folk explores and deconstructs black political identity, foregrounding the forms of ideological conflict and difference that exist within what can be understood to be black radicalism. It calls into question the coherence and singularity of the political category, “woke black folk,” demonstrating the deep differences and divides within black communities and within black mobilization.

$15 – $20

A Conversation with Chelsea Manning

UCLA Royce Hall 340 Royce Drive, Los Angeles , CA, United States

UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs presents "A Conversation with Chelsea Manning." As an intelligence analyst for the U.S. Department of Defense, Chelsea Manning disclosed classified documents to WikiLeaks that revealed human rights abuses and corruption connected to the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now an advocate for government transparency and queer and transgender rights, Manning will speak about topics including resistance in the age of artificial intelligence; activism and protest; transgender issues; and the intersection of technology and people’s lives.

$15 – $35

Contact Zone: UCLA Activists-in-Residence

UCLA Young Research Library, 11360 Main Conference Room 280 Charles E. Young Drive North, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Contact Zones are social spaces of engagement. Join us for this speaker series from the Library Diversity Committee that will bring together community leaders and experts to help navigate issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Learn from the experiences and projects of UCLA’s Activists-in-Residence. Hear their tips and advice on how to create a more diverse and inclusive environment at UCLA.


Organize, Walkout, and Transform

YouthSource Center 1006 E. 28th Street, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Join youThink on March 17, 2018 for dialogue, art, & action commemorating the 50th anniversary of the L.A. Walkouts in East & South Los Angeles Walkouts.


Just Culture

UCLA Wilson Plaza 220 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Underground Scholars Initiative presents an upcoming concert and community gathering—"Just Culture." The purpose of the event is to raise awareness for formerly incarcerated students. Community cultural elements will be brought to the campus in an effort to bring an underrepresented culture to UCLA.
