The Untold Story of Los Angeles: Women of Color in Academia Life Histories Project
Daniel G. Solórzano, Education, UCLA
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that mlemorande contributed 79 entries already.
Daniel G. Solórzano, Education, UCLA
SA Smythe, University of Toronto (formerly at UCLA) and Vanessa E. Thompson, Queen’s University
SA Smythe, Gender Studies & African American Studies, UCLA
Amy E. Ritterbusch, Social Welfare, UCLA
Paul Ong, Urban Planning & Asian American Studies, UCLA
Paul M. Ong, Urban Planning & Asian American Studies, UCLA
Jyoti Nanda and Alicia Virani, UCLA Law
337 Charles E. Young Drive East
Los Angeles, CA 90095
via Bluesky