YOU ARE HERE – a homebound travelogue

Marike Splint, Theater, Film and Television, UCLA

‘DesAgarrando Pueblo’ – A Research Justice Collective Against Knowledge Extractivism

Amy E. Ritterbusch, Social Welfare, UCLA

Systemic Racial Inequality and the COVID-19 Renter Crisis

Paul Ong, Urban Planning & Asian American Studies, UCLA

Protest and Progress: South LA Since the Kerner Report

Paul M. Ong, Urban Planning & Asian American Studies, UCLA

COVID-19 and Renter Distress: Evidence from Los Angeles

Michael Manville, Paavo Monkkonen, Michael Lens, Urban Planning, UCLA

Land, Livelihoods and Displacement in Indonesia

Helga M. Leitner and Eric S. Sheppard, Geography, UCLA

Financialization, Community Change, and the Social Impacts of the Vertical Dis-Integration of the U.S. Industrial Forest Estate

Kelly Kay, Geography, UCLA

Evidence of Expulsion: Documenting Eviction Rates for Research and Advocacy

Ashley Gromis, Sociology, Michael C. Lens, Urban Planning, and Kyle Nelson, Sociology, UCLA

Ground Truthing Through Community Narratives

Silvia R. González, Urban Planning, and Paul M. Ong, Urban Planning & Asian American Studies, UCLA

A More Public Resilience? On Housing Justice and Climate Justice

Kian Goh, Urban Planning, UCLA